Saturday, October 24, 2009

Salvation belongs to our God: not unto us, O Lord, not unto us!

Why do I hate "salvation by free will" (Arminianism) so much? Because I love God my Saviour who saved me even though my will was totally enslaved to sin and I deserved only hell even by my very nature since the moment I was conceived (Psalm 51; Rom. 3:9-28; 8:5-11).

The Gospel of Arminianism is the Gospel of hopelessness, and can do nothing except leave us all to damnation, since its only power is the powerlessness of the sinful will.

The Gospel of Christ however, is the power of God unto salvation!! Why? Because it relies nothing on us, but only upon what cannot change - God's eternal counsel in predestination (Rom. 8:28-9:29; Heb. 6:17-20; Eph 1:3-12). Except the Lord had predestinated us unconditionally to salvation we could only be as Sodom and Gomorrah. Of that, I have no doubt in my own conscience. What about you?

Here's the difference, the one rests upon the will of a totally depraved sinner - it cannot be more powerless. The other rests wholly upon the immutability of God. "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." (Mal. 3:6).

Wherever the light of this truth is extinguished, the Gospel has been utterly lost, the blood of Christ has been trampled underfoot, the Spirit of holiness has been thoroughly despised, and the glory of God has been replaced with the shame of the wicked. Where this truth has fallen to the streets, there it is that Satan rules.

But Christ will come, and all his enemies will be under His feet, for the Sovereign Lord is always victorious, and never fails to triumph. Not a drop of His precious blood can ever go to waste, and not sinner for whom He paid the ransom could ever be condemned to hell. Only this Gospel cleanses our consciences and assures us of eternal life in fellowship with our Creator, Saviour and Lord. Believe it, and join a church that preaches it without compromise!

Sam W.

Please take some time to study this important subject:

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