Affection On Things Above
A Reformed blog from Ireland
Monday, April 17, 2023
Hidden reefs in your feasts of charity
Jude is one of the most astounding letters in the New Testament. It is short, its writer did not write any other part of Scripture, and it v...
Sunday, April 09, 2023
The Equality of Jews and Gentiles in the Church
In a previous blog post , I answered the objections of a brother who did not respond positively to my answer to his questions about amillenn...
Saving the Nations by Casting Out the Prince of This World
The first printed map to show the world as a sphere from 1515 was a collaboration between Albrecht Dürer and Johann Stabius In a previous bl...
The Star Falling, the Dragon Cast Out, and Satan Bound
In my last blog post , I answered a brother who asked questions about amillennialism. Since his response was considerably less than positive...
Wednesday, April 05, 2023
The Kingdom Without End
A brother asked various questions about amillenialism which I think are worthwhile to share here because I find the answers edifying: How ca...
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