Saturday, April 07, 2007

To worship God is...

How can I keep from singing your praise, O God?
My soul's longing is to be satisfied,
And you, my glorious King are infinite.
You are the bread that satisfies my soul,
Nothing can satisfy, only You.

You are my awesome Creator,
To love You is to give my all for Your glory.
To love You is my deepest longing.
To be freed from my lethal self-centredness,
To magnify You is my desire.

There is none like You,
You exalt Yourself for Your glory.
And to look upon Your glory,
Simply to be in Your presence
And worship You fills us with joy.

My joy is in You because of who You are.
My deepest longing is fulfilled in my King.
Your Name is beautiful,
Because You exalt who You are.
You have shown me Your love.

How I long to live only
To drink deeply of Your love,
To enjoy You forever,
And so to give You glory.
You are my light.

For Your glory, You have saved me.
I was a wretch, forsaking my very Creator.
I had turned away from my source of life and love,
But You chained my will to Yours and You ransomed me.
Your precious Son paid what I could not pay.

You have shown me the glory of Your love,
Your amazing grace, your undeserved mercy.
I can live to see the riches of Your goodness,
To know You and give You glory
As part of Your chosen people.

You have written my name on Your hand,
Your promise will last forever.

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